Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Potstickers and Fried Rice

Heather had been talking about potstickers since they came back from Chatanooga. The best meal they had out while they were there was at a TGI Fridays. Sad.... But she said it was good and started researching potstickers. Then we saw Alton Brown making them and that did it. These are TASTY little treats. This version was pork with minced scallions and red bell pepper with too many seasonings to list here. Then you drop a bit into a wanton wrapper (say that 3 times fast, I dare you) seal it up and fold it. Then you drop it in a pan with a bit of pepper infused oil. Wait 2 minutes. Don't even look at them. WAIT! Don't touch them. Deglaze the pan with some chicken stock being careful NOT TO TOUCH THEM! Cover with a lid and wait...... yep, 2 more minutes. Then lift the lid and take them out. What are you waiting for?!?!?! They are burning! Get them out. Then make this very spicy dipping sauce with Sirarchi sauce and soy sauce. The best part of the meal was watching Tanner use chop sticks. What a memorable event in our house. Sorry you missed it.

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