Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gnocchi Parmesean w/ grilled chicken thighs

I have wanted to do this for a while.

Start with 2lbs of a mealy potato like russets.

Peel and quarter them. You want to keep them as dry as possible so steam them for about 30 minutes.

It is best to use a ricer or food mill, but I don't have one in this tiny apartment so I lightly used a masher. I added 1 cup of flour and started mixing by hand. Once it was starting to get tacky, I added a more flour, a little at a time. You want it to be like Play-Dogh (Thanks Heather!).

Then I got my preschool skills on and made a bunch of snakes on a well floured surface.

Once I had them layed out, I chopped them in 3/4 inch or so chunks. Then you pick them up and press them with a fork against your thumb. I don't know why. Ask an old Italian.

I got a pot of very salty water boiling. Like REALLY boiling while I get the dumplings ready.

Drop them in the boiling water and in about 2 minutes, they start to float. Once they float, let them cook another 20 seconds. Scoop them up and drain them well.

I had seasoned some boneless, skinless breasts and grilled them.

I made a basic Alfredo. 1 1/2 cups of cream, 1 stick of butter reduced. I took it off the heat and added shredded parmesean, romano, and asiago. I added a liberal amount of cracked black pepper and parsley.

I tossed the gnocchi with the white sauce and topped it with some shaved truffle cheese Heather had acquired. Grilled chicken was placed on the side.

It was very laborious, but easy. It was a delicious, under $10 meal.

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